We encourage you to THANK the donor of your named scholarship by sending a Thank You card to
PO BOX 1914, Borrego Springs, CA 92004
Congratulations to the Borrego Springs High School Class of 2024
Sixteen (16) students who graduated from Borrego Springs High School (BSHS) this year will receive BASIC’s start-school scholarships. Front and center is Barbara Coates, who has served as BASIC’s President for many years. To the left is Eddie Rivera, who is BASIC’s Mentorship Officer. The future scholars are: Evelyn Arambula Arias, MacKennzie Bautista, Angela Carmona, Yair Fuentes, Angela Fregoso, Rigoberto Garcia, Jonathan Garcia, Miriam Hernandez, Astrid Lopez-Lopez, Isabella Magdaleno, Xiomara Perez, Victor Rodarte, Pedro Rodriguez, Mariana Torres, Brody White and Daniela Zuniga.
Twenty-five (25) current BASIC scholars are continuing their education and will receive BASIC’s stay-in-school scholarships: Isabel Arteaga, Brianna Del Bono, Nicole Del Bono, Daniela Carmona, Juan Fuerte, C. Greyson Levens, Maria Manzano, Brian Martinez, Julio Medina, David Hernandez Mendoza, Cesar Ochoa, Jimena Ochoa, Ashanty Rangel, Brian Fuerte Rangel, Jose Rangel, Dylan Rodriguez, Natalia Carmona Rojas, Jennifer Sencion, Hannah Strate, Laurynn Strate, Maria Arias Torres, Joselynn Troncoso, Lorenzo Vilches, Angel Vilchis and Naylea Villarreal.
The five (5) scholars who will continue their education even beyond earning their bachelors’ degrees are: Chanel Barron, Michelle Delgadillo, Edward Rivera, Vanessa Rodarte, and Lisa Salcido.
The five (5) scholars who will continue their education even beyond earning their bachelors’ degrees are: Chanel Barron, Michelle Delgadillo, Edward Rivera, Vanessa Rodarte, and Lisa Salcido.
Named Scholarship Awards
Recipients of the 2024 Named Scholarship Awards
We congratulate the following BASIC Scholars who will receive this year's Named Scholarship Awards:
Sandra Angle Memorial Scholarship to become an educator
Michelle Delgadillo
Rosemary and Richard Fausel Scholarship to support STEM studies
Lorenzo Vilches
Jon Gilbert Memorial Scholarship to support STEM studies
Lorenzo Vilches
Gerald Goldsmith Memorial Scholarship to support studies in science and health
Daniela Carmona
Joanne and Richard Ingwall Scholarship in recognition of outstanding academic achievement (GPA >3.66)
$1500 each
Chanel Barron
Daniela Carmona
Cesar Ochoa
Jimena Ochoa
Edward Rivera
Dylan Rodriguez
Hannah Strate
Maria Arias Torres
Jim McFarland Memorial Scholarship to support technical and vocational studies
$500 each
Briana DelBono
Cesar Ochoa
Don Nicholas Memorial Scholarship to become an educator
Michelle Delgadillo
Lisa Salcido
Paula Matthews and Mark Remy Scholarship to support studies in the environment, sustainability and policy
Nicole DelBono
Edith Schmitt Memorial Scholarship to support studies in nursing
$200 each
Chanel Barron
Naylea Villareal
Joanne and David (in memory) Stang Scholarship in recognition of outstanding academic achievement
(GPA 3.33-3.66)
$1000 each
Juan Fuerte
Julio Medina
Brian Fuerte Rangel
Laurynn Strate
Lisa Salcido
Angel Vilchis
Bill Wright Memorial Scholarship to support studies in business
$1000 each
Juan Fuerte
Brian Martinez
Dylan Rodriguez
Joselynn Troncoso